Just when I thought it would be over, there seems to be yet another massive wave of SQL injection attacks – presumably from newly infected servers.
UPDATE (8-23-2008): Looking for answers? Check Part 2
UPDATE (8-25-2008): Securing your forms to prevent future attacks
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It seems the less I am looking for examples of bad grammar, atrocious spelling and other disasters, the more I seem to find.
Maybe they should hire a team of real copywriters…
Because they would have spotted the missing apostrophe as well.
Or somebody else who will tell them that proofreading is everything, especially when you are trying to sell that very service to someone!
Sometimes all it takes is one short sentence to sum up the quality of someone’s work:
This is how they describe their work.
They’re looking for partners. Anyone?
The best things usually happen when you least expect them.
Like today, when I’m innocently surfing and searching for servers.
Dynamic Keyword Insertion sure has its pitfalls:
This morning, I woke up to a frantic email forwarded to me from an AdWords client:
From: Google AdWords [mailto:reactivation@google.com]
Sent: 26 June 2008 11:29
To: [Client Name]
Subject: Your ads have been suspended.
Dear Advertiser,
We were unable to process your payment.
Your ads will be suspended soon unless we can process your payment.
To prevent your ads from being suspended, please update your payment
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I really like my toys. If they are geeky. Like Excel.
Yes, I admit it, I actually like Excel.
Excel 2007 particularly has some neat features.
One gimmick I especially favor when working with keywords and AdWords:
Color Scales in Conditional Formatting.
It makes visualizing data a lot easier, everybody knows how boring hundreds of lines of cell data can be (unless you are a true geek).
Although Google’s Quality Score is pure theory for all of us since we have no idea how it is being compiled, its basic algorithm can help you when trying to optimize your bidding strategy. Especially when you can visualize the data.
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Checking on the competition is part of our business.
And as long as the competition keeps supplying us with amusing slogans, we will be in business (this is an actual screenshot taken this afternoon from an unnamed competitor’s website):
Just what I was looking for.. Free Consulation.
Finally, after posting on third-party blogs for way too long, I have my own blog.
For a person who basically lives her life in front of computer monitors, life can be pretty weird sometimes. And interesting. And complicated. And challenging.
Who makes my life weird, interesting, complicated and challenging?
Well, my fellow internet users for example. Everybody out there. They provide entertainment and information, they make me laugh and sometimes they make me want to cry.
My clients. Their projects is what makes life on the internet interesting. And, they too, sometimes make me laugh and sometimes make me want to cry.
My friends. Thanks for being so understanding when I am working on a project and just can’t make it. I will make it up to you, I promise. Some of my friends don’t even have a computer, but they still understand. At least they say they do.
My cats. They know when it’s time for me to feed them. They know when it’s enough and I need to take a break. And they hate it when I take my laptop to bed with me.
Back to shaking it up!