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Posts Tagged ‘google’

Although announced back in November of 2009 (Site Speed, Google’s Next Ranking Factor), it seems like this update has been overlooked by most webmasters, site owners and a lot of SEO-ers. In a Webmaster Central Blog entry (Using site speed in web search ranking) dated Fri, Apr 9 2010, they finally made it official. So […]


Search Engine Simulator (8,521 views)

Frames, Flash, JavaScript-generated navigation structures, most images — these and more are all being ignored by search engines.


Internet Search 2.0 by Google (18,547 views)

Google has done it again. Once again they have re-invented internet search, and although the feature is too new to see trends (yet), my prediction is that it will become a raging success once people get the hang of it. But it also means this: While in the past search results were subject to the […]


More Google AdWords Phishing Emails (8,009 views)

Meanwhile pretty much everybody should be aware of phishing emails and how to spot them – no matter if they refer to your bank accounts (almost daily I receive emails asking to update my account information with banks I haven’t even heard of), your Paypal account, your ebay account, and most recently even your domain […]


Dynamic Keyword Insertion Gone Wrong (2,575 views)

The best things usually happen when you least expect them. Like today, when I’m innocently surfing and searching for servers. Dynamic Keyword Insertion sure has its pitfalls: Ooops.


Google AdWords Phishing Emails (3,364 views)

This morning, I woke up to a frantic email forwarded to me from an AdWords client: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: Google AdWords [mailto:reactivation@google.com] Sent: 26 June 2008 11:29 To: [Client Name] Subject: Your ads have been suspended. ————————————– Dear Advertiser, We were unable to process your payment. Your ads will be suspended soon unless we can process […]


