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Archive for the ‘business mix’ Category

To this date, there is no way for a user to contact the owner or admin of a Facebook page – unless a contact email address has been published on the page’s Info tab.

If you ever wanted to insert a (random) thumbnail of another post or a gallery of thumbnails anywhere in your post(s), page(s) or even in your sidebar or footer without the use of a bulky gallery plugin that might not be compatible with your theme or another plugin you installed, thumbnails anywhere is for you. […]

If you are using Cufón font replacement in your web project, Microsoft has another surprise for you. Their newest release of Internet Explorer, IE9, does not render Cufón at all. Meaning: Everything on your site that you so carefully crafted – probably your menus and headers – simply don’t show up. Not even in ugly […]

If you want a convenient way to track your facebook shares and likes and have access to the “backend Admin Pages” facebook automatically creates when you have implemented all the necessary code in your page, this one is for you. Plugin Page Download


Share, Like, Count (6,854 views)

Admitted, we joined the facebook share/like social plugin button craze late. Partially because before we didn’t know enough about the inner workings of the implementation as well as growing security and privacy concerns revolving around facebook. But eventually we gave in, after doing our research we integrated both buttons into our blog and waited. We […]


Facebook Share vs. Like (6,946 views)

We all know that facebook has eliminated the *Become a Fan* button and has replaced it with the more generic *Like* button. Like it or not. But there still are 2 different options to express your appreciation for an (external) page: You can *share* it by clicking the *share* button or you can *like* it.

In the past weeks, more and more clients are reporting infections with *Antispyware Soft* malware. Antivirus Soft is yet another fake antispyware, similar to Antivirus Live and/or Spyware Protect 2009. It imitates a system scan and claims to find multiple infections, no matter which shortcut you try to click on or which program you try […]

After many hours reading up on the caveats of transparency; after tabbing through many suggestions found on many websites, blogs and forums; after trying to create visible containers on top of invisible containers, changing positions from relative to absolute and back only to see layout go totally awry, I finally decided to create my own […]


Add a Twitter Feed with PHP (72,900 views)

In the last post (Add a Twitter Feed with jQuery) we talked about how to add a twitter feed with jQuery, now it’s time to do the same with PHP. The whole idea was to get the same result by using similar methods provided by the Twitter API – and again it’s easier than you […]

Although announced back in November of 2009 (Site Speed, Google’s Next Ranking Factor), it seems like this update has been overlooked by most webmasters, site owners and a lot of SEO-ers. In a Webmaster Central Blog entry (Using site speed in web search ranking) dated Fri, Apr 9 2010, they finally made it official. So […]


