where's the salt?

Archive for April, 2010

After many hours reading up on the caveats of transparency; after tabbing through many suggestions found on many websites, blogs and forums; after trying to create visible containers on top of invisible containers, changing positions from relative to absolute and back only to see layout go totally awry, I finally decided to create my own […]


Add a Twitter Feed with PHP (71,320 views)

In the last post (Add a Twitter Feed with jQuery) we talked about how to add a twitter feed with jQuery, now it’s time to do the same with PHP. The whole idea was to get the same result by using similar methods provided by the Twitter API – and again it’s easier than you […]

Although announced back in November of 2009 (Site Speed, Google’s Next Ranking Factor), it seems like this update has been overlooked by most webmasters, site owners and a lot of SEO-ers. In a Webmaster Central Blog entry (Using site speed in web search ranking) dated Fri, Apr 9 2010, they finally made it official. So […]

Adding a twitter feed to your website is easier than you might think. All you need is: the jQuery library the twitter username/userID/screenname (preferably your own) of the feed you want to embed and a few lines of code. Demo Download


New project: magellanearth.com (2,384 views)

Following last week’s redesign of magellanworldltd.com, this week it’s time for the official introduction of magellanearth.com. It is for our UK-based client Magellan World Ltd and provides information on Ground Source Heat Pumps: "Recognising today’s need to provide alternatives to the use of fossil fuels, Magellan Earth in conjunction with Transen Sustainable Energy Systems, have […]


New project: magellanworldltd.com (2,350 views)

We revamped the portal page for Magellan World Ltd and the new site is now live. As of now it’s literally only a one-page portal, linking to all other Magellan World services and websites. We didn’t want to complete abandon the new design we introduced for magellanworldpackaging.com, yet we wanted to do something a little […]


