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Archive for the ‘news mix’ Category

If you ever wanted to insert a (random) thumbnail of another post or a gallery of thumbnails anywhere in your post(s), page(s) or even in your sidebar or footer without the use of a bulky gallery plugin that might not be compatible with your theme or another plugin you installed, thumbnails anywhere is for you. […]

If you want a convenient way to track your facebook shares and likes and have access to the “backend Admin Pages” facebook automatically creates when you have implemented all the necessary code in your page, this one is for you. Plugin Page Download


Share, Like, Count (6,881 views)

Admitted, we joined the facebook share/like social plugin button craze late. Partially because before we didn’t know enough about the inner workings of the implementation as well as growing security and privacy concerns revolving around facebook. But eventually we gave in, after doing our research we integrated both buttons into our blog and waited. We […]


Facebook Share vs. Like (6,973 views)

We all know that facebook has eliminated the *Become a Fan* button and has replaced it with the more generic *Like* button. Like it or not. But there still are 2 different options to express your appreciation for an (external) page: You can *share* it by clicking the *share* button or you can *like* it.

Although announced back in November of 2009 (Site Speed, Google’s Next Ranking Factor), it seems like this update has been overlooked by most webmasters, site owners and a lot of SEO-ers. In a Webmaster Central Blog entry (Using site speed in web search ranking) dated Fri, Apr 9 2010, they finally made it official. So […]


New project: magellanearth.com (2,566 views)

Following last week’s redesign of magellanworldltd.com, this week it’s time for the official introduction of magellanearth.com. It is for our UK-based client Magellan World Ltd and provides information on Ground Source Heat Pumps: "Recognising today’s need to provide alternatives to the use of fossil fuels, Magellan Earth in conjunction with Transen Sustainable Energy Systems, have […]


New project: magellanworldltd.com (2,570 views)

We revamped the portal page for Magellan World Ltd and the new site is now live. As of now it’s literally only a one-page portal, linking to all other Magellan World services and websites. We didn’t want to complete abandon the new design we introduced for magellanworldpackaging.com, yet we wanted to do something a little […]


Internet Search 2.0 by Google (18,566 views)

Google has done it again. Once again they have re-invented internet search, and although the feature is too new to see trends (yet), my prediction is that it will become a raging success once people get the hang of it. But it also means this: While in the past search results were subject to the […]


